Long Island FQHC WIC Office
Get details for the Long Island FQHC, a WIC office in Roosevelt New York. If you live near this location and need to contact them, use the information listed below. We provide the WIC phone number, address, hours of operation and if available, the services they provide.
If this is not near where you live and you need to find a location close by, then try our WIC clinic search page. It allows you to search for clinics nearby using your address. If you need to file a complaint against this Roosevelt WIC office in New York, then contact the New York Department of Health.
Qualifying for WIC benefits
If you are looking to get on the New York WIC program, then the first step is to contact Long Island FQHC to setup an appointment. You will need to bring information with you to help the staff determine if you qualify for NY WIC benefits.
While scheduling your appointment, we recommend you talk to the staff and verify what information you need to bring with you. Failure to bring the required documents may cause delay in the application process.
First WIC appointment
Your first appointment will determine if you are eligible to receive WIC. You need to bring each person who plans to enroll, including your infant(s) or children. The staff will need to see proof of identification, proof of income and proof of residency.
There also will be a nutritionist or health professional at the WIC clinic who will provide a simple health screening to determine any nutritional risk. Examples of a nutritional risk are:
- Anemia (low blood levels)
- Being underweight
- History of poor pregnancy outcome or
- A poor diet
To see what all is required, view how to apply for New York WIC.
Approved for WIC, what's next?
Once the staff has determined you qualify for WIC, you will then receive nutrition education and be provided with checks/vouchers with specific food packages for each member of your family who qualify.
You can then take them to your local grocery store to buy nutritious foods. To find a vendor you can shop at, view NY WIC approved stores. To see a full list of items you can purchase using your benefits, view the NY WIC approved food list.
How often do I have to come to the WIC clinic?
In most cases, people will come to Long Island FQHC once every 2-3 months for more WIC checks/vouchers and to see if the program is working. If not, the WIC staff will adjust the program as needed. How often you visit this clinic depends on both your needs and your WIC clinic schedule. When you first enroll, you will discuss your schedule with the WIC nutritionist.
The eWIC System
States are now moving to a new system to replace paper checks/vouchers to purchase WIC approved foods. The eWIC System provides the applicant with a WIC EBT (Electronic benefit transfer) card, which acts like a debit card. When you check out, you would give your New York WIC EBT card to the cashier and they will swipe the card through their POS system, and it will deduct from your current WIC balance.
You no longer will need to visit the WIC clinic to get more checks/vouchers, instead your card will be electronically refilled. For more information about the eWIC System in your state, please contact your local WIC clinic. All states plan to move over to this new system by 2020.
WIC Clinic Location
Long Island FQHC
380 Nassau Road
Roosevelt, NY 11575 -
WIC Clinic Phone Number
The WIC number to this New York clinic is 516-546-4254.
WIC Clinic Hours
It appears we do not have the hours of operations for this New York WIC clinic.
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Map of Long Island FQHC
Below is a map of the current New York WIC clinic, located at 380 Nassau Road Roosevelt NY 11575. You can view the current WIC office hours and other WIC locations nearby on this page.