WIC Clinics in Cuero TX

Find a WIC office in Cuero Texas. If you are looking for a Cuero WIC clinic in TX, then select a location below. We provide the WIC phone number, address, hours of operation and if available, what services they provide. If you are unable to find a location close to you, then try using our WIC clinic search page to find a location nearby using your address.

Determining WIC eligibility

When applying for the Texas WIC program, the first thing you would need to do is to contact a WIC clinic in Cuero to schedule an appointment. The staff at the location will determine at your appointment if you qualify for WIC. They will review the documentation provided to them including proof of income, proof of residency and perform a simple health screening for any potenital nutritional risks.

Once they determine you are eligible to receive TX WIC benefits, you will receive nutrition education and be provided with WIC checks/vouchers that you can then take to your local grocery store to buy nutritious foods. To view the full process, how to apply for Texas WIC.

Click one of the WIC office locations in Cuero TX listed below to get the contact information so you can call and setup your appointment. Some Texas WIC clinics do allow walk-in appointments, but we recommend you call them first to verify. If you have any questions or issues about a Cuero WIC clinic, then we suggest you contact the Texas Department of State Health Services for further assistance.

  • C
Cuero Park Clubhouse

201 Leonard Roy Harmon Dr
Cuero, TX 77954

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