Safeway 40 WIC Store

View details for Safeway 40, a WIC approved store in Wilmington DE. This vendor is allowed to sell food using your Delaware WIC benefits. To see what specific foods you can purchase, view the DE WIC food list. We provide the WIC phone number, address and hours of operation for this location. Before going shopping, it is recommend you call this location to verify they still accept Delaware WIC, as their status may change from time to time.

You can also verify by looking for a sign out front that states they sell WIC approved foods. While shopping, look for the WIC sign on the price tag, this verifies that food item is WIC approved. You can see an example of the price tag in the image below. If you have any questions or issues about this store, please contact your local WIC clinic.

Safeway 40 WIC Approved Price Tag

As a reminder, you need to being your WIC ID folder with you as it contains your checks/vouchers, information about the WIC program etc. You will need to show this folder to the cashier when checking out to provide proof of your WIC benefits. If you have a complaint about Safeway 40 or one of its employees, you can request to talk to their manager, or you can contact your local WIC clinic.


States are now transition from using paper checks/vouchers to using a WIC EBT (Electronic Benefit Transfer) card thorugh the eWIC System. This acts like a debit card where at checkout you hand the cashier your Delaware WIC EBT card and they will swipe it through their POS system. From there the system will deduct the amount from your current WIC balance.

You also wouldn't need to go down to a clinic each month to get more checks/vouchers because your card will be electronically refilled instead. It is planned that all states move to the eWIC system by 2020. If you would like to find out more about this in your state, please contact the Delaware Health and Social Services.

Shopping for WIC approved foods

As a reminder, when shopping for WIC approved foods at Safeway 40, make sure you check the Delaware WIC food list to verify what items you can purchase. Also, make sure you have the correct checks/vouchers with you, this can be done by looking at the "First Date to use" and "Last Date to Use" on the check/voucher.

When checking out, you will need to separate your WIC foods from your non-WIC foods and let the cashier know you are planning to use your DE WIC benefits. When the cashier enters the price on your check/voucher, double check before signing to make sure they wrote down the correct price.

Never sign the check/voucher prior to checking out, if you do the cashier won't accept it. If you still have questions or issues shopping at this Wilmington WIC approved store in Delaware, please contact your local WIC clinic.

  • WIC Store Location

    2522 Foulk Road
    Wilmington, DE 19810

  • WIC Store Phone Number

    We currently do not have the WIC number to this Delaware store.

  • WIC Store Hours

    It appears we do not have the hours of operations for this Delaware WIC approved store.

  • Click here to update this WIC store